What are the best apps for iPhone to start and learn to meditate?

Raffaello Burlon asked this question on Quora

My answer

I’m happy with Pzizz.

It helps me clear my mind around mid-day through a guided meditation (via the “nap” function).

At the end of the day, I use the “sleep” function which helps me wind down in a mindful way.

The app is simple to use:

  1. select Nap or Sleep
  2. select a duration and voila.
  3. start

For free, you can use the classic Pzizz theme, no signup required.

If you want other dreamscapes, then you’ll have to purchase a monthly or yearly subscription.

This app is a good starting point, even for people who never meditated before.

Of course there are other apps that are worth a try too:

If you have another app that you like a lot, let me know in the comments section 🙂

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