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How to quickly filter email messages with attachments on your iPhone

In this post,  I will show you how to quickly access emails with attachments.

This tip is useful if:

  1. your inbox has a lot of emails in it

  2. you regularly receive photos or documents via email and don't process them right away

Please note that to take advantage of this feature, your iPhone needs to run at least iOS 7.

Since iOS 10, it's possible to quickly filter e-mail with attachments from any folder:

  1. Navigate to the desired folder or Mailbox

  2. Tap on the bottom left icon (three lines in a circle)

  3. Tap on "Filtered by:"

  4. Unselect everything 

  5. Activate "Only Mail With Attachments" 

  6. Tap on "Done"

To go back to the unfiltered view, simply tap on the bottom left icon again.

From now on, tapping on it will switch the filter on and off.

If you device is still running an older version of iOS, there's an option for you.

What few people realise is that the Mail app comes with a bunch of very useful pre-defined mailboxes like (among others):

  • VIP emails (as discussed in tip #10)

  • Flagged emails

  • Unread emails

  • Only emails with attachments

  • Only emails received today

The thing is, most of those mailboxes are hidden by default, so not everyone is taking advantage of them.

To be able to use them:

  1. Open the Mail app

  2. Navigate to the upmost level (by tapping on the top left button)

  3. Once in the "Mailboxes" view, tap on "Edit" (top right corner)

  4. Now you can select the pre-defined mailbox(es) of your choice

  5. For this tip, please select "📎Attachments"

  6. Then tap on "Done" (top right corner)

Now, it's easy to quickly access the emails in your inbox that have attachments.

On the right side of the mailbox name, what you see is the number of unread messages only.

Please note that as soon as you archive or delete an email with attachments, it will disappear from this filtered mailbox.

And you, how often do you need to retrieve email messages with attachments?

Let me know in the comments below!